Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I built you guys a snowman! I hope you like it. It's really small because the snow was too dry to build snowmen today. Love you, Mimi

Saturday, November 22, 2008

immature wood ducks

Dear Link, Belle, and Becca,

Here are some young wood ducks that we saw today. It was my second time seeing wood ducks in the wild. My first time, we saw them on one of our ponds, but we could not get a good picture. Today the light wasn't really great but I was able to get pretty close at one point. Did you know that ducks can walk on ice? That is what these ducks are doing in these pictures. It is funny to watch them slip around on the ice. We love you, Mimi and Papa

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dear Kaylen,

I sure do miss you! Miss your brothers too. I just remembered that tomorrow is Buddy’s Birthday. I didn’t mean to forget. Please tell him that I’ll send him his Birthday present soon. I can’t do it right now. How is school going for you? What’s your favorite subject? I always liked art but I never learned how to draw very well myself. I also like to crochet. When we get together again, maybe I can teach you how to crochet. Tersa crochets a lot, but not as much as before, because her baby Jayne keeps her so busy. Guess what? My daughter, Laura and I are on a diet and exercise program together. We just got started a few days ago, but we’re really doing well. There’s a diet blog online that helps you with your diet called - . I haven’t used it as much as Laura has, but I will do more with it as I learn to do everything on the sight. I do write little notes to other people online that sound discouraged, trying to help them not to give up on their program. Anyway, I know I’ve said that I was going to lose the weight before and didn’t stick to my diet but I really believe I’ll do it this time. I’m sorry for not writing for so long. Let’s you and I start over and try to write back to each other right away after receiving a letter. That way, we’ll get back into the habit of writing again. Also, I have a goal of writing once a week even when I haven’t heard back from you. I also am going to write to my other grandchildren. Sometimes, I might write a letter that will be for all of you at the same time, just because a lot of what I might wish to share would be the same things when I’m writing about what’s going on with Papa Ralph and I. Did you know that your cousin, Ellie, (Tersa’s three year old) likes to call Papa Ralph “Papa”, but her brother Archer calls him Gasman. Ellie is a sweet little girl. She likes to pretend a lot with Archer. She loves her baby sister too, as you can imagine. We are still having really warm weather here. I will miss it when it gets cold. I’m sure I will stay indoors a lot this winter. When we go hiking on the property where we live there are a lot of hills, so it’s hard work, but great exercise. I walk 25 – 60 minutes most days, depending on how energetic I’m feeling. The other day I walked down a very steep hill, hoping to find a deer to take a picture of that wasn’t there, and my legs became very weak. I didn’t expect that, but I’m not used to using the muscles in my legs that I had to use to do that. It’s really different, having hills everywhere. Sometimes I wish we had less of them, so my walks would be easier, but I know it’s good for me to walk uphill. I haven’t managed to get to the store to make pictures for you yet, so please forgive me for that. I sure have meant to though, just as I’ve meant to write to you more. We had the Apple Festival in Liberty recently, and that was fun. You would like the Apple Festival. Even though it’s a small town a lot of people come from other towns each year to look for things they might want to buy. It’s also fun just to look. There was a man making pottery there, giving a demonstration. Many people stopped to watch. We had a booth for our church, teaching people about God. We enjoyed visiting with people while we were there. I met some really nice people that were selling stuff close to our booth. I forgot to tell you that the apple festival is in the streets. It’s a lot like the Art Shows they have in Apopka at the Park every year. Are you still in the same house? I just wondered, as you spoke of moving to Pensacola when we were on the phone together last. Please write to me as soon as you move, giving me your new address, OK? I guess I’ll let you go for now. I miss you so much!!! I bet you’re getting taller, huh? Write back soon, and tell me all about what’s going on with you. Tell Buddy Happy Birthday for me, OK? Papa loves and misses you too. Would you give me your Nana’s phone number and address? I lost them when I had my computer worked on recently. I’ll be sending you new pictures very soon. When you can, please send Papa and I new pictures of yourself. Maybe you can send us a school picture again this year. Be good and remember to say your prayers every night. Love you bunches!!! Mimi 10-14-08

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Voting for the President

Link: Can I vote for someone?

Mom: Not until you're 18?

Link: Not 19?

Mom: 18 or older.

Link: And you're older than 18?

Mom: I'm 30.

Link: So, WAY older?

Mom: Um, yeah!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dear Ryan,

Dear Ryan, How are you doing? We miss you! Do you like going to school? Are you learning to read more new words? I love to read new words too. Did you know that there are words that are new to me too? It is true! There are some words that are hard for me to say and there are words that I do not know the meaning of. I think it is fun to learn, do you? Do you read at home? What is your favorite book? We have some pictures that we want to send to you, but we have not yet gone to the picture store to make them into paper pictures yet. We will send them as soon as we can. Will you draw me a picture and ask your Mom to send it to us? She can send it on the computer if she wants to, or you can send it in the mail. Guess what? Papa and I saw two deer yesterday. We live very close to where the deer live, that is why we see them so much. Papa feeds them corn. Did you know that deer like to eat corn? Do you like corn? I do. I like popcorn too. It was fun talking to you on the phone the other day. Be a good boy. We love you bunches, Mimi and Papa 10-25-08
Daddy, I love you so much Daddy, and my Birthday’s coming up. I’m six now. I learn from books at school. I bet you miss me. I miss you. I draw good. I make books with Mimi. She cooks me stuff. Do you love me? I love you, we’re a happy family. I learn about Jesus, even at school. I pray with Mimi. I read books. You gotta learn and be sixteen and stuff. I miss you. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I got your letter and it made me so happy. I love you so much. I’ll never forget you. You bless God. I bless God. Everybody blesses God. I love you so much dear Daddy, Kaylen 05-27-2003

Friday, October 24, 2008


I hope you have a blessed Mother's Day. I'm so very grateful to have you for a mother. You've been there for me thick & thin, and I love you for that. Not just that though . . . Really, for just being my mother. Happy Mother's Day!! Love Ya, Carlton 05-11-06

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear Ryan,

We heard about how well you are learning to read new words. That is great! We are so proud of you. You are really smart! What are some of the books you like to read? When Papa and I were going to school they did not teach us how to sound out words, so learning to read was much harder than it is these days. Your Mom told us that you like the toy you bought with the gift card we sent to you for your Birthday. We are glad that you like it so much. Also, we see that you have on the shirt we made for you with the pig on the front. We love you Ryan, Mimi and Papa

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dear Link and Belle

Dear Link and Belle, We miss you very much! Papa and I are enjoying living here in Kentucky. We live in the country where there are a lot of trees and hills. We have seen deer here many times since we have moved to Yosemite, Kentucky. We will show you a picture of one of the deer we have seen recently. This is a boy deer. The hunters call him a buck. You can see that he is a buck because he has antlers. The girl deer are called does. Did you guys know that? Another picture we have for you is of Papa sitting on an ATV. We were checking it out to see if it was a good one to buy. We went for a ride on it together on a hill. Mimi did not want to go on the ride with Papa at first because she was afraid that Papa did not know how to drive it safely on a big hill. Papa is a safe driver, so we did not get hurt. We love you, Mimi and Papa (Gasman)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Love you AUnt Mimi:

I'm at my Nana's work but we are leaving now to go to her physical therapy. i really liked your email and the pictures of your grandchildren. i know i would like to meet link - those band aides look cool. your granddaughters are very pretty. please tell uncle Ralph that I love him too. wish i could have seen you before you left but nana said that you were going to the farm and wanted to see your family before you got settled. please send us pictures of your new home. come see us and don't take so long before you come back.

love you SO much

Noah and NANA

Dear Noah

Noah, I miss you! So, what are you doing at your Nana's work? Are you playing a video game? I had fun in Utah with my grandchildren while I was away. You would like Link, he is pretty cool. He likes to use his imagination, pretending to be a storm trooper. I will send you some pictures with this email. The first picture I am sending is one of Link with tiny pretend band-aides on his face. Uncle Ralph and I are on the road again. I thought that we should wait until the storm passes over to leave, but Uncle Ralph didn't want to wait any longer because he has been waiting the whole time I was gone to visit with our grand-kids in Utah. We wish you could come with us. Maybe someday you and Nana can come to Kentucky for a visit. We will be back to Florida as soon as we can come, but I am not sure when that will be. Our family live in different places all over the country, so we will be taking turns taking trips to the different places where they live. Ryan is moving to Oregon. That is very far away, even farther away than Utah! I hope to hear from you from time to time. Please write me letters! Love you, Aunt Mimi 08-22-08

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"I'm not a night person," said Link. "You're not much of a morning person either, so does that make you a middle of the day person?" answered his mother. "Pretty much," replied Link. 08-20-08

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dear Family & Friends (from Chantri in Peru, on her Mission for "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints")

Yesterday we were knocking on a door for an appointment and something cool happened. No, they didn't answer the door, that would have been cooler, but they weren't home. A dog came barking and growling up to us and was definitely going to bite us, but neither me or my companion were scared. We just stood there and the dog ran and looked like he hit a brick wall. He staggered back and started again and hit an imaginary brick wall again. He walked around us trying to figure out what was going on and then just turned and ran away. It was the coolest thing ever. It was like we had a shield. Chantri 08-18-08

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"I Want To Play Wii Fit", said Belle

I just tell him that you not fat. No no no, she's not fat. No, she's not fat, not nice. I not fat. Why you not fat? I don't want to be fat. I'm a big girl! I'm a big girl. Is she a big girl? I don't want some help, I can do it all by myself. I can do it again! After I'm done you can play soccer. I want to do ball. I don't want to do this. She's a good girl. In the middle, in that hole, OK? I want to do it again. I want Mommy to get it. I don't want to do that jumping game. I want to do that one. Look, skiing. I don't want to do a jumping game. I want to do a hula hoop. I want to. Me and Daddy are gonna throw you two hoops. You want a game? You need to do Wii Fit. Want to watch me now? My turn to do Wii Fit. That's my Wii board. No, I want to take turns. I want to do hula hoop. Her hula hoop disappeared. I want to do it again. Hey tiny baby. You is right there. Mommy is right there, OK? Hey, don't laugh! Don't laugh, it not a joke. I'm doing it. Again, again, again. You are right there, and you are right there. I want to do it again, again, again! Look at him play a video game. I don't want to do this game. Humm . . . this is hard. No, this is my fishing boat. No, I want to play now, not with you. That one, I want to do that one. I'm done! I want my turn. No, I gonna do it. I choosing that one. I can do it. Don't say that! I want to play Wii Fit. Are you OK? They need their mommy? I can do big girl things, I can play toys, and play dog. Look at that cat, it's purple.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Grandma's Quilts

I had completely forgotten about Grandma's quilts. She had sent me one when I was a kid and she also sent me one of her sock dolls. I had named her Matilda. She has a blue dress and hood with hand embroidered hearts all over it. My Mom had put a new face on her awhile back, to clean her up. I still have both of them in storage somewhere. My quilt looks really similar to the one in the second picture, the one with the flowers on it. I was amazed that she had sewn the whole quilt by hand. I remember my dad saying that Grandma could just look at you and make a suit or something that would fit. Alena :o)

"Let Me Take Your Picture Harley"

Ryan took this picture of his little sister, Harley, using my camera. We just met her for the first time on this visit. Ryan is five and is as bad as I am about taking pictures all the time! I have a tough time telling him no. We bought him a cheap digital camera but it isn't good enough for him. 09-20-06
Dear Daddy, I love you. How was your Christmas? My Christmas was cool! I got “Barbie & Me” from Santa. I was a photographer today and took pictures. Daddy, I love you and I’m gonna send you some pictures. We found a turtle shell in the woods. I got your card, it’s nice. Thank you for that. I love you too, very much. We made Christmas ornaments with Mimi. It was fun. Well, I have a headache right now and I’m tired so I’ll see ya. Love you Daddy, Kaylen 12-29-2005

Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

i wanted to wish you a happy mother's day, but i don't have access to a phone right now, so i'm sending this to you by email. i love you and i hope all is good. thanx for the killdeer bird pics, they're cute. much love, and HAPPY HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! daNiel 05-11-08

Link and Belle

Link and Belle play together so well.

Belle Quotes . . .

"I want a Birthday present movie," said Belle. I said no, it's my turn and he said it's his turn . . . "La la la la la" Mommy, I want to open it. Freckles is in the way. What's on it? Look, there is a present on this. I want that bow in my hair. Is it for Jayne when she is a big girl? Can I wear it? I must win before you and Freckles does.

Belle checks on her baby sister

"I must check on her before Mama does,"said Belle.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aunt Linda 02-20-07

Aunt Linda, how dare you send me something so good that it makes me cry. It is truly a beautiful poem. Well, I'll be shipping out to fort sill on thursday, after I'm done here in Montgomery, AL. I love you, and hope that i'll have enough time in basic to be able to respond to all your letters. i'll call when I get the chance. I won't be able to check my email, so it will probably be canceled. I'll check it after graduation! :) Taylor

Dear Mimi 01-26-08

Mimi, I love you. I can't wait to see you this summer! Link

Dear Link and Belle 04-01-08

Hi Link and Belle, We miss you guys so much. We wanted to send you some pictures of ourselves in the snow.

We also thought that you might like to see some other pictures that we have taken not too long ago. Do you guys ever see bluebirds at your house? I was just wondering. I know we all have some different birds. Love you bunches! Gasman and Mimi

Mom, I thought you might want to see Link in his karate uniform. He is worried about damaging it, so he doesn't wear it unless he is going to class. He is really enjoying karate. They teach him a lot of really great things other than karate, too. They teach discipline, self-defense, confidence, and a ton of other things I can't remember right now. It has also got him making his bed and cleaning his room! It is great! He has even added karate to his prayers. He really wants to do well at it! It is fun! Tersa 02-29-08

Letter from Chantri in the Peru MTC

(Chantri on right)

Mom & Dad, We went out into the field on Saturday and it was amazing. The people are exactly what everyone says . . . So humble and willing to listen, and share what little they have. Most of the people didn't have roofs and even more had tarps for some of their walls. We were visiting less active members instead of tracking since it was our first time. The first family we visited was so amazing. We taught them about the importance of attending church and I cried as I bore my testimony and shared a scripture with them, (Alma 14, I think) I can't remember the exact reference. They had tarp walls and dirt floors and they had pictures of their family on the tarps and a huge picture of the Temple. It was so moving. The father said he hadn't been attending church because he worked Sundays but that he was looking for another job so he could go to church. He might have to settle for a job that pays even less than the one he has now, but he said he knew it was worth it to be able to show the Lord his dedication. There were millions of dogs everywhere. On the bus ride over I counted 78 and then I stopped counting because there were just too many. My companions were moved by the dogs. I was moved by the people. Everyone smiles and says hello as you walk down the dirt roads and they are very friendly. My companions said it was just because I look different and have lighter hair and skin. One woman saw us and came up to talk to us. She said she wanted to know what we were teaching so we set up an appointment with her for the missionaries serving in that area. Her name is Matilde. I thought that was pretty cool. I thought people were kidding when they said people would literally come up to you in the street asking to be taught. But it is true. The CCM president said, "you will spend most of your time on your mission teaching people," which is a great blessing because most missionaries spend most of their time looking for people to teach. Next Wednesday we get to go on a shopping spree. Our Spanish companions leave for the mission field and the north Americans go out with the Pres and his wife and shop and see the sites. Lots of ruins around here, so I will try to send pictures. Their money is called soles. One dollar is the equivalent of about 3.75 soles. So things here are very cheap. A lot of Elders are buying suits because they are about the equivalent of 45 bucks, nice suits too. I'm glad to hear things are going well. I really do love it, even if I get frustrated trying to adapt to the new schedule and blend the strict rules from Provo that have stuck with me with the laid back easy going lack of rules that my companions have. They got in big trouble for staying up late, I found out. Hermana Farmer and I go to bed on time every night whether our companions do or not, but someone saw our light on at about 11:00 the other night and they asked our coordinating sister and she said they were studying, but we were in bed. They were not very happy about that. So now everyone goes to bed on time. If only I could get them to eat and walk faster, I'd be elated. How is Zane doing? Has he said anything about my letters and him going on a mission? I've been pretty forward with him. I even asked Talon to talk to him since he once told me that he wished he had gone on a mission. But I want to know if he has. Tell Dad that I love him, and the letter he sent me just before I left Provo was really amazing. It moved me to tears. I don't know if he let you read it but, he said "he felt like an ok guy at a dance with his wonderful wife and kids dancing around him making him look good." Please tell Fabi and Mina that I am sorry for not responding directly but I'm almost out of time. I love them and appreciate their letters and emails. Please email an update to my Branch President and his wife from Provo. I miss them a lot and love them. I pray for them and our old Zone and District all the time. I love you SOOOO much! Chantri
Hi Mommy, How are you doing? I'm having fun at Apopka. Are you having fun? I bet you're not, because you have to work. I just remembered you're at St. Augustine for Daddy's Birthday. Anyways, Mimi bought me a lunch box and stuff. And, I got to see chickens and cats. Anyways, I'm having fun. I went swimming, and I saw Ryan. And guess what, a peacock came up and ate some of the cat food and I got to see a real live peacock. I love you Mommy. See ya when I come home. I love you, Kaylen 08-06-2005
hi mimi and papa, this is ryan. thank you for the pictures. i like the pictures of you and papa. is that snow in the trees behind you? i like the horse pictures you took. i miss you and papa and i love you and papa, ryan 04-16-08

Dear Ryan (Mark & Laura's son)

Ryan, I'm glad you like the pictures I sent. I'm glad you like your new Cars game. I also am glad that you had a nice summer school teacher this year. I took a picture of a baby vulture today. He is a big baby for a bird. I will send it to you in this email. Love you, Mimi
Hi Mimi, I like dragonflies too and the horses. I like Momma horse and baby horse. I love watching the movie Annie all day long if Mom and Dad let me. We are taking a break from it right now for lunch and maybe a nap. Momma wants me to clean my room but I just want to watch Annie. I loved going to summer school this year, I had a really nice teacher named Ms. Stevens. I got to go to a different school and everything too. Daddy bought me a new game for the Game Cube, it's from the Cars movie. I love crashing into the other cars and repeating what they say and laughing too. Bye Mimi. I love you, Ryan 08-01-07

Happy Birthday Belle!

Dear Belle, It has been so much fun being with you on your third Birthday today! Tomorrow, we will have your party with more of your family. Then, you will be given the rest of your gifts. One of the gifts Mimi and Papa gave you is a purple dragon. We also are giving you a night gown, and your first Barbie doll. I loved hearing you talk about your Birthday party the other day, when you told us all about your "pink birthday party." You wanted everything to be pink, but then you changed it to everything pink and white. Mommy is going to make you a pink cake with pink frosting tomorrow, and everything is going to be pink, just like you asked for. Daddy took you camping with your big brother last night and today, so you had a fun day swimming and camping outside together. Daddy didn't sleep very well, but you had a lot of fun. Mommy stayed home with your new baby sister and me because your sister, Becca is too little to go camping. I love you so much Belle! Mimi

Dear Ryan (Mark & Laura's son)

Dear Ryan, It was so good to talk with you on the phone last night. I miss you! I miss your Mom and Dad too! Guess what? I have some pictures of dragonflies! Do you like dragonflies? I think they're beautiful. I'm really sorry that I haven't called or emailed you lately. I have been getting used to living in Kentucky. We get to see a lot of horses here. I have a picture of a baby horse, a colt that I like. I'll send that one to you also. Well, I guess I better look for the pictures now. Pretty soon I'll send some pictures to you in the mail too. I love you Ryan! Tell your Mom and Dad that I love them too, more than they know. Mimi
Dear Kaylen, I got your letter tonight. We do not always pick up our mail every day so that is why I am just now getting it. It made me so happy to receive your letter! Thanks for writing. I am sorry that you thought I wanted to stop writing to you and start writing to your brothers. It is not like that at all. I just thought it would be nice for your brothers if I wrote to them and not you for a change since you always get most of my letters. I meant to write to you sooner. I am really sorry that you felt that I was upset with you over not writing to me more. I wasn’t sad, although I have missed your letters. I miss you and I do understand that you like to play with your friends. I also understand that you’ve been going to Apopka recently. Thanks for writing and wanting to explain why I haven’t heard from you lately. It is OK. It sounds like you are looking forward to school. Let me know when you need another book to read, and I will send you one. You probably better let me know what author or series you are reading in. I have a question. Is it easy for you to read words like – doesn’t? I just wondered. I have continued to write does not instead of doesn’t and that kind of thing. I think you must be reading words like wasn’t, I’m, and you’re. Let me know if you are, OK? I love you!!! Miss you too. You asked how I have been doing. Papa Ralph and I are doing very well. We saw four otters yesterday, just like the ones we saw at Rock Springs in Kelly Park. I will be sending you pictures of them very soon. We also found a new type of dragonfly today; he flys so sweet and gently. He is different from the other dragonflies. When it’s sitting on a leaf it holds it’s wings differently from the others too. It was fun to get the pictures of the otters. They were on the property we live on in the creek. It is so nice to be able to live with nature all around us. Tomorrow we will go searching for the otters again. We didn’t find them today, so we don’t know if they stay here all the time or not. Did you get your hair cut yet? I was just wondering, because you wrote to me about it. It will look good however you wear it. It will be easier to care for if it’s shorter. Maybe you can send me a school picture this year. It will be nice to see how you look with your new hair cut. I am happy for you and Buddy that you were able to get cool back packs. I have seen pink camo back packs in Wal-Mart before, I think. I know I’ve seen some pink camo stuff of some kind recently. I think it’s cool that you and your brother got camo pencils too! It makes it fun to start school with new school supplies. I gave you my email so when your parents let you begin to use email, you’ll be able to write to me that way. Let me know in the future when you do have your own email address, OK? I know your parents probably don’t want you to begin using email yet, and I understand that. Well, I am getting sleepy, so I’m going to close for now. Thanks again for writing. You sure wrote a long letter this time! That was a surprise. Tell Timmy and Buddy that Papa Ralph and I love and miss them too. Also, tell Buddy that I am not mad at him for not writing me back. By the way, Papa loves you. He just is not good at writing letters.
Love you bunches!!! Mimi 8-15-07

Dear Ryan (Daniel & Sonya's son)

Dear Ryan,
How are you doing? Papa and I sure do miss you! Are you back in school yet? We hope you have a nice teacher this year. I bet your Mom bought you some cool school supplies. Do you like reading? What kinds of books do you like to read? We would love to buy you a new book to read sometime. Maybe your Mom can help us figure out what kind of book to buy for you. Is your Dad still living at your house? Have you made some new friends recently? We are still living next door to my sister, Brenda, her husband, Arlen, and their son, Isaac. Isaac is a nice boy. You would like him. He is twelve years old. Guess what we found when we were hiking the other day? It was a family of otters! That’s one of the pictures we are sending to you. We also got some nice butterfly pictures. I love butterflies and dragonflies. We are sorry for not writing to you sooner. We miss you very much! Maybe you could write us a letter too. It would be so nice to get letters from you. I know you can write very well, now that you have been in school for a while. Guess what? We will be able to see snow this year! We also will see the leaves turn yellow and red! We like living here in Kentucky, but we miss our grandchildren very much. We do not have a lot of money so we cannot come for visits very often. We sure wish we could though. We want to get in the habit of talking to you on the phone more, and also writing letters. We will be sending you pictures of the things I take pictures of too. Do you still live near the beach where we came to see you last time? I love the beach! I bet you do too. I gotta go now. We miss you! Love you bunches!!! Mimi and Papa 08-20-07

mother's day note

I hope you have a wonderful mothers day. wish I could send you a bag full of shells, a bonnet full of daisies, a bushel full of blackberries, and a box full of butterflies. Love always, Laura Lee 05-08-05

Dear Ryan (Mark & Laura's son)

Dear Ryan, It was so good to talk with you on the phone last night. I miss you! I miss your Mom and Dad too! Guess what? I have some pictures of dragonflies! Do you like dragonflies? I think they're beautiful. I am really sorry that I haven't called or emailed you lately. I have been getting used to living in Kentucky. We get to see a lot of horses here. I have a picture of a baby horse, and a colt that I like. I'll send that one to you also. Well, I guess I better look for the pictures now. Pretty soon I'll send some pictures to you in the mail too. I love you Ryan! Tell your Mom and Dad that I love them too, more than they know. Mimi 07-30-07

Dinosaur Museum Field Trip

After my arrival in Salt Lake 08-05-08, to visit with my daughter and her family for two weeks, we went out to eat after the airport pick-up, then we were off to the dinosaur museum.

Belle said: "A Museum, a Dinasaur Museum?" Mimi bought Belle a purple dragon for her Birthday, and Belle placed her dragon in the stroller and strapped her in.

Link said: "At first we were watching movies on the computer, then I picked a dinasaur, then I could find out what kind of dinosaurs they were, and I checked out what the plants were too." Mimi said: Did you have fun where you got to dig in the sand? "I did, I would stay there forever!"